
I came. I saw. I was captured.

Warning: these are fresh emotions tugging on my heart strings.

Im on a train. A train whisking me away to Ulaan Baatar. A train carting me away from my home of the last six weeks.

I hate goodbyes. 

Every sight flying through my view is one I never expect to see again. Smoke spiraling up from Gers nestled in their valleys. Spring meadows coming to life with the foals and lambs chasing around. Bare topped mountains glowing in the dimming golden sunlight.  Yet the true beauty of this country isn't in the sights.

"I am all alone.  I'm crying. " 

Minuets after we left, my voice catches as Turuu's flows over the phone.

"I miss you." 

The true beauty of Erdenet can't been seen. The true beauty of Erdenet is in the hearts of those who live there. Baskaa and Davka. Buena, Itgeral and Oogii. Gana, Zya, Dianna and Zolo. Saraa, Ihko and Boloroo. Muchamae and Khuslen. Anna. There are so many more names I wish I knew how to spell.  They made the country. It was so easy to love them because of the love they live in.

Please pray for them. 

As a team we will adjust.  This is outreach. We will move forward, we will move on.
For them,  this is just life.

Its always harder for those staying behind. 
~Katrina Belle Martin. 


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