
So. Lets open this can of worms.

Anyone who has ever raised this topic with me around, should know where I stand. I am pro life.

Life is life. 

Today I came across a family who have a child, Shane, 39 weeks gestation and due in a few hours. He has a terminal neural tube defect called anencephaly. A child with this defect may live for a few hours and if they are lucky, they may live for a year. Check out his story if you want to know more; Prayers for Shane.

This family have celebrated Mother's day and Father's day together. They have celebrated every week of their child's life. They know what a miracle life is. This is beautiful.

Earlier today Mum asked me what I thought about the value of life. To me life is priceless. It is precious and meant to be lived. I don't understand that other's have a right to force someone to loose their life, especially when that person can't speak for their selves.

Let me ask you a question. How is it that each year we are spending millions of dollars trying to discover a cell on Mars, just to say there is life there, when a child of 28 weeks can be aborted just down the road? At the age of 28 weeks a child can blink their eyes. They have eyelashes and can even see light that filters through the womb. There's billions of neurons sparking in their brain. Long past the stage of knowing the difference between being awake and asleep, this child can suck on her fingers and toes. They can hear sounds. Above anything else, this child can breath.

You can not tell me that a baby still in the womb, is not a child. You can not tell me they don't deserve a chance to live.

A person's a person, no matter how small. - Dr Suess. 


  1. Having a child with the wrong timing in life can make life extremely hard for the parents. It changes their world. In your view of no sex before marriage, every baby is pretty much wanted, but there are lots of accidental pregnancies between couples and random flings. People love having sex. All the time. And babies happen. But why put that baby into an world where it was never wanted? Isn't that cruel too?

    You might argue that the baby never got a chance, never got a say, but lets consider how many civilians we as humans kill in wars. There are millions. They never got a say either. Their families existed for years before they were torn apart.

    I think abortion is the least of the worlds problems. When you realise that sex is fantastic and waiting for that 'one' was a waste of time, you'll be happy to know that there is an absolute last resort for when your other contraception doesn't work.

    1. Anyone who willingly engages in sex should be responsible for the outcome. If the outcome is that a life is created then the two people are responsible for that life. You can't just kill it because it's an inconvenience to you! And it most certainly isn't the least of are worries. Millions of innocent people might die without a say in wars but millions of people are aborted just because they would have been inconvenient.

    2. 'why put that baby into an world where it was never wanted?'
      How can you know that? That is like saying that a person who is conceived by accident will never be loved or wanted in their whole lives? I don't believe that :)

  2. Interesting perspective Naomi; I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one though. I'm pro-choice, simply because there are cases in which the mother is not in a place emotionally, physically or financially to support the child. Yes, of course every life is precious but if the baby is born into a dangerous environment isn't it better off not being born at all? I definitely believe that some people have abortions for terrible reasons and abortion clinics should investigate each case individually to make sure that abortion is the best option for both mother and child (there was a girl on Doctor Phil who had SEVEN abortions? It's like, have you ever heard of a condom?) but I also think that a woman should not be forced to bear a child she is not in a position to have. Abortion is an incredibly hard decision to make but the right to make that decision should NOT be taken away from us. Controversial topic today haha

    1. So.......what about the baby's choice?

      Let me address the two groups I am aware of:
      People who willingly engage in intercourse without protection: If you are engaging in intercourse without protection or other measures, you are engaging in an act that is GOING to bring life into this world. If you don't wan't to have to live with the consequences, don't have unprotected sex. Now just to make it clear I believe in no sex before marriage, but that is my choice and that is my form of protection. You are bring life into this world, life that has the ability to choose and have willpower, what right have we got to take it away from them? In favour of our own comfort?

      People who have had forced on them:
      No matter who you are that child is still valuable. There is a reason adoption and fostering exist..... so that children who are born or left with nothing can have a second chance, where their first was so wrong. Why should we take that away from them?

    2. Okay let's just get one thing clear, I'm not advocating for abortions to be handed out willy nilly or "in favour of our own comfort". I personally would most likely never have an abortion because I believe that I am able to physically, emotionally and (maybe) financially handle having a child, but could a 13 year old girl whose been pressured by her older boyfriend feel the same? Abortion is a serious decision and YES "every child is valuable" BUT as soon as you take away the right for women to choose what they do with their own bodies drastic measures are taken. For example the coat hanger abortion and taking certain drugs to kill the child; these things are still prevalent today in places where abortion is unavailable. Yes, there is adoption and fostering but there is still nine months of hell that the mother has to suffer through. No matter what there needs to always be a choice. (I also believe in abstinence but I don't really see how that is relevant?)

  3. thats a choice you can make for yourself, any if you are in a position where it's something you must consider then you can go for it, but there are children who are raped whose bodies will not survive the pregnancy, and this means serious repercussions for both the child and the parent, while abortions shouldn't be handed out like painkillers these methods need to exist to prevent loss of life, at a week old it's just a few rapidly growing cells

    and the idea that they should have to go through with the pregnancy and then put the child up for adoption is atrocious, try and at least consider the life of the already living before condemning all those who have to make a horrendously difficult decision.


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