Le Start Blog

I'm not sure what to say to start my Blog. I have tried one before and failed. Miserably. But now I hope to share words that help others down the track. Since a young girl I have looked up to people who write from their hearts, that is what I intend to do. This will be me, honest as a button, no secrets. Over the 16 years of my life (especially the latter ones) I have faced emotional struggles, some short and others long. I don't pretend I am perfect, or wise, but I have some experiences I wish to share.
Random thoughts, a picture, a poem... I just hope that I can help others through life in the way some have helped me. So I guess, here goes nothing!

 © Photo By: James Lee 2011
You know how a sunset reaches every corner of the sky? I've always wanted to be like that. I want to reach to the furthest i can, further even... But will I have such a life that allows that? Everyday choices are made that could let me shine like a sunset or just be there, overlooked. So how could I leave a sunset impact? I'm starting to realise, it's not about the impact i leave but about what impacts me. When I choose what impacts me,  I choose who I want to be. So I'm going to let God impact me more then I have been. For with him, I will be able to leave that sunset effect. God bless you!


  1. First post and love it!! :) I honestly cant wait for more!! :D
    Sara-Jayne xx

  2. Thanks Sara-Jayne! Hoping to stay inspired :) xx

  3. Same!! :)
    By the way!! I've awarded you to do this tag thingy-me-bob!! haha
    Link is: http://growingingodsimage.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/brilliant-blog-bouquet-award.html

  4. I dont have that many blogs to award it too! Hahah. I'll figure something out :P


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