Brilliant Blog Bouquet Award

Many thanks to the beautiful Sara-Jayne for awarding me this! She is honestly one of the sweetest girls I know and I am truly blessed to have her in my life. Check out her blog "Growing In God's Image"!

Put a link to who gave you the award
Post the award to your blog
Answer the questions
Choose 5 blogs to receive the award
Let them know you've awarded them


1. If you could have a "flower pen name", what would it be?

Hmmm... I have actually study a bit of herb lore recently, as such I would probably chose 'Wild Violet'. Violet's are known for their small, delicate look, but in truth they are one of the hardiest flowers of their size! The colour represents modesty, wisdom, humility and health. The flower its self stands for innocence and faithfulness. Also in the Christian side fo things, they represent the resurrection. 

2. What is your favourite (we spell ‘favourite’ different in Australia) ever Bible verse and why?

At the moment it is 1 John 3:18
"My dear children, lets us not love with words or tongues, but with action's and in truth"
The verse says it all. We need to show love, not just say it!

3. What are the blogs that inspire you most?

Well I'm new at this whole blogging thing... Haha. But over the years I have watched some blogs and read a few. The ones that inspire me are ones written honestly and openly. There are so many of these  out there! I also love cooking blogs. I'm a bit of a baker at times so love anything with recipes and what not! 

4. If you and your friends could visit any country in the world, where would you go?

RUSSIA! I've always wanted to go the St Peter's Berg :3

5. If you have one, feel free to share your testimony as to how you became a Christian.

I was born into a Christian family. Growing up i went to Kids clubs and church. I first accepted Christ into my heart when I was about 5 in a bus home from said Kids Club. I was with my brother and this lovely lady called Suzzie. So that's how I first became a Christian, but since then my life has had its ups and downs, leaving me to establish my own faith instead of relying on my parents as I did growing up. One of the more prominent times was when I lost my Grandma to bowel cancer at 11. She was the grandparent I was closest to. When she died, I was angry at God, to be honest. How could he take such an amazing person? There was over 200 people that I knew were praying for her, yet he still took her. Over the years after her death, I struggled at times with accepting that God loved me. one night I was at a youth conference and I just broke down and cried. I felt that God was trying to give me peace, but until I accept him back, I couldn't accept peace. I recommitted my life to him that night. Since then my life hasn't been all that rosy at times, but I know how blessed I am because I remember that he is by my side! But hind site means I see just how much he loved me. I see that he has used that to strengthen my trust in him, and that through it I can reach out to others. There is a lot more to my testimony, but that's another whole story so I shall leave you with this for now. :)

I shall award...

Violet (This girl has blessed my life more times than I can count!)
Jess (One of my favourite artistic blogs out there!)
Julie (Only recently started following this girl but she is precious!)
Ashley and Kylie (This is a really beautiful blog that reminds me how Beautiful God thinks I am :) )


  1. Loved this Naomi!! I never knew about your testimony!! I cant wait to see you soon!! :)
    Sara-Jayne <3 xx

  2. Haha, I have a longer one to share too one day :P xx


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