16 hours and 57 minuets.

So as I write this I am very aware of the fact I leave in 16 hours and 56 mins. It just doesnt seem real.Can you believe it? I am actually leaving in 16 hours and 55 mins.

I have packed my Lewis House life into a hikers backpack and into my boot. It all starts with a train ride to Sydney. Then a flight to Hong Kong, onto Beijing, and finally landing in Ulaan Bataar around their lunch time on Thursday. 3 hours behind Australia. 16 hours and 51 minuets.
As I packed the last things today I will admit excitement is beginning to creep in. I am actually going to see a land other than Australia. I will see snow. I will see the Great Wall of China. I may even get to walk along the Gobi Dessert. I may live in a Gher. I may eat some yak. These next 67 days will be wild. 16 hours and 48 minuets.

Life has gone so fast. Tomorrow is three months since the last time I slept in my own room. Three months since the last time I saw my family when I woke. Three months since the last time I sat around the lounge sharing in life with the people I love the most. Now here I am. 16 hours and 46 minutes to go.
As much as I am excited, I cant deny there is a mix of nerves in there. What if I offend their culture? What if I say something really embarrassing? What if I get pick pocketed? There's so many small what ifs that can shake my enthusiasm. But there's also this fact, God is there for me. He is my comfort and my protection. This is what I will remember as I leave. 16 hours and 42 minuets.

I cant quite put my finger on it, but I know there is something inside me that has changed. I am calmer and more rested. I know who I am, honestly and truly. I am ready for this adventure. Deep down I know I am ready. There is this peace as I sit here. This peace as I plan my next adventure. This peace that will carry me through the next 16 hours and 40 minuets.


  1. OK, So this is a Sci-Fi show quote of an Egyptian blessing, but still:

    May God stand between you and harm in all the dark places where you must walk.

    Mr McKay.


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