
So today, if ya haven't cottoned on yet, I turned the big One Eight.
My childhood is over.
My Adulthood has begun.

But ok, before anyone says anything. I know that today is the same as yesterday and I havent lost the ability to be a child and I will always be a kid at heart. But on the flip side, I also know that since I turned 13, my parents have been helping me along the journey to being an adult. Its a journey I dont know if I will ever complete. I know that its nothing to do with being a certain age, nothing to do with drinking, nothing to do with having a second half and nothing to do with giving up the love I have for unicorns.

So what defines being an adult? Is it the law? Is it physical? Is it all to do with the brain? Or is it how you see yourself in the world, and how the world sees who you are in yourself?

I guess as I write this I sense what I have always known deep down... Today is just another day. I dont believe the law, which states that I am now an adult, defines me. I dont believe where I am physically can define me either, its not about the outside appearance.  But then, I disagree it has to do with my brain's development, which will be happening strongly for 7 or so more years.

Adulthood, in my own definition, is more to do with who I perceive I am. Its not about what I look like, its about how I see myself and how the world sees me. Its more to do with how I react to and influence what is around me. It also very much who and what I let impact my own life.

Yet with all that being said, I have had a wonderful death to my childhood and thank you to all who have participated over these last few days. From fireworks to tea, ugg boots to an amazing ring, flowers and even the worlds longest card (Thanks Sis!), I have been blessed.

I'd like to share with you the first decision I have made in my law-defined adulthood.
There is a child in Mongolia, up near where I was a month ago, who is struggling a little with life. He is 11 and has a single mum with siblings to "support". Today he became my child, well, in a way. One day I plan to meet him in person, but for now he is changing my life and I hope I can impact his.


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