
“Goodbyes, they often come in waves.” 
― Jarod Kintz

Never has that quote seemed so true as this week.
DTS is over; everyone is leaving.

Now it is only Jordan, Livia and myself. 

There are some goodbyes I was ready for; there were some I didn't want to say. Some people I felt like they were ready to move on; some people I wasn't ready to move on from. But I don't really have a choice. I have to move on from this season to grow in the next. It must be so.

Sayonara. Japenese. It is not a simple "Hey, I'll see you later." It holds an aspect of finality. Literally translated it simply says "Since it must be so." Its a word saved for occasions when you may never see that person again. It seems appropriate today.

I don't know who I'll see again and I don't know when. But saying goodbye? Lets leave it as I hate this feeling. I hate goodbyes.


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