Little Life Update

So hey everyone! Firstly, I'm gonna give a masssive shout out to this group of guys I know... I am proud to say that these guys are my friends and even proud to say they have an amazing youtube channel! On the tubes they go by the name of Explosions and Fire. Even though I dont always understand what they are doing, I have loved every video they have posted. My suggestion is start with this video, hehehe. But ok, now. I havent posted in a while and that is purely because I havent been home and awake enough much. My life has become this hectic thing that I seem to be passing through, especially this last week. A few big things have happened so I'll do a quickish recap for ya'll.

Le Cake
Photo Rights: A. WIlliams
I'm 17! First and foremost this means I have my P's... BEST FEELING! But I also managed to throw a reverse surprise party. I mean, whats the fun in being surprised when you can be surprising the guests! We watched the complete LOTR extend edition. Took 12 hours or so... But seriously, one of the best birthdays I've had. Even the cake was LOTR! No one really knew it was my birthday, and the surprise went well . It was only a small gathering, but there is nothing about the night I would ever change.

Partay ;)
Photo rights: L Michael 
FORMAL! Who said homeschoolers dont know how to party? The Adelaide Hills Homeschooled youth group had our forth annual formal last Saturday! Woo! I totally rocked out a suit and bowtie. Must admit, it was a rather fantastic night. Started off by doing everyone's hair and then ended it with helping clean. But in between was where the real fun happened. So many professional photos were taken by Paul Brand. We had Peter Sowerbutts to DJ for us, creating quite the dance party. Really quite a fantastic night. 

And to end of the blog, I might as well mention my trip to the ER. On Sunday I somehow managed to burn my arm significantly enough to end up in the Women's and Children's. Why not the RAH? Well, the line at the Women's and Children's was shorter... Literally ;) hehe. But yeah, I got seen rather quickly and was told that i just need to be careful over the next few weeks. Its looking worse today, but that is after four days of work, 3 hours of dance and a netball match. So it's all good. I'm all good. The burn is just itchy now. I got my tetanus shot and a sticker as well! SCORE!

God bless everyone,
Call me Gnomie

Ps: I am finally officially a barrista too :D


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