YWAM update 1

So here I am, one face in about 50. Newy YWAM January quarter. The biggest DTS quarter ever by over 10 students. Guys, I am here with Swiss, Norwegians, Americans, Canadians, Thai, Koreans, Aussies, Hawaiians, New Zealand, Brits, Germans and French. Its crazy!

Basic life here is pretty full on and you have to get into it. Quiet times, breakfast, tidy time, lectures, morning tea, lectures, lunch, work duties, dinner, night sessions, quiet on base, lights out. Then there's morning jogs, jam seshes, one on ones and keeping in touch with family to fit in still! I must say, the most connections I have formed on base are all in the Wi-Fi room (pun not intended), cos thats where everyone is come free time.

This week we kicked off the term with Sez speaking on Hearing God's Voice.
Some things she said have stuck with me a bit;

"You cant be more Christian, but you can be more Christ like."
"A relationship needs desire and discipline."
"Salvation is for healing the soul."
"God speaks through wisdom, its not just a gift."
"Dont compare yourself to other Christians."

So yeah, we talked about intercession (this is basically praying for another person) and touched on quiet times. Sez made the point that a relationship take work, time and communication adn if w e aren't spending out quiet times alone with God we can actually damage our relationship with him. So we cam up with quiet times action plans. My Q.T.A.P was basically; pen, paper, bible, phone (for google and music), guitar, favorite jumper, tea, chocolate and, of course, God. So yeah, sometimes I may even use my car to go for a bit of a drive first thing.

Tonight we had Cutural Celebrations and man, was that good! To have people get up and just share some of their culture, it was amazing! I shared Farmer's Union, Fro-chocs and then the other Aussies joined me for Waltzing Matilda. Just saying, Mexican candy is gross!

Tomorrow is what I am keen for though, as amazing as this week has been! YOUTH STREET! I am part of the Dance Team and man, I can not wait to see the ways God uses us over the next three months of Saturdays to impact the lives of our dance crew.

To sum up, loving life here, its brill. Everyone here are great! God is gonna be doing some amazing stuff. Newy YWAM, just live it up!


  1. You sound settled, happy and ready for action - great news! I like the idea of QTAP... I'm going try doing that a bit more in my life too - so thanksN, for sharing some of what you're learning! enjoy Staurdays!


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