Anxious thoughts.

I’ve heard many times Philippians 4:6 (Do not be anxious about anything.) taught as a command; that I am not allowed to be anxious. But recently, for numerous reasons, I have started to wonder if it really was said as a command or more as a comfort to us. A lot of things can cause us to be afraid, and many believe fear itself is sin. Others, like me, believe it is only sin when we allow it to affect us. So here I pose the question, is fear (anxiety) a sin?

First let me define sin. According to sin is any act regarded as a transgression, especially a wilful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle. So in my words sin is a choice we make. We may make that choice without knowing God or believing it is a sin, but by this definition and by my own beliefs, it is a conscience decision. And some fears, I can tell you, are not a choice.

So let’s also define fear. Trusty describes fear as a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain whether the threat is real or imagined, concern or anxiety. It also is a reverential awe, especially toward God. Fear comes in different ways, so for the sake of the rest of this, anxiety will be the word I use to describe the distressing fear and I will use fear when talking about the reverence and awe.

Now, please understand one of my best friends struggles with anxiety attacks, and I could never turn around and tell him that he was living a life of sin. It’s out of his control, like really, who would ever choose to have anxiety attacks. Plus, I take offence when someone says that its because of sin people struggle with anxiety. A person who struggles with anxiety has a physical condition that can prevent them from controlling their thoughts. So even though they desperately want to live a life free from worry, they can’t. How can you tell them that that is a life of wilful repetitive sin?

I don’t deny that there are 364 scriptures where God says “Do not fear” (anxiety).  I don’t deny there are speakers who have told me that fear is a sin. I wont deny I have been told before to repent because I admit I was afraid. But fear is an automatic response we cannot control. I wont deny I still have my fears, fears of rejection. I’m afraid of failure, ridicule and uncertainty. I fear being asked a question I cannot answer, then giving the wrong answer. I fear not living up to standards and being looked to as a leader. Fear is hard-wired into us from birth. Flight or fight. But without fear, we cant have courage.  Fear is a genuine thing; without it there is no courage. The courageous man is the one who overcomes his fear. ~Chambers, Oswald

In Deuteronomy 31:6  we read “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” The command is to be courageous. The verse is also a comfort ‘He will not leave you or forsake you.’ Fear is an emotion, and one that we are created with. If you look at all creation, from the fish to the birds, we have a natural instinct built in of fight or flight. It is how we react to anxiety that can cause of fears to turn into sin. When we don’t stand firm and true in the love of God, when we doubt his word that he wont leave us, that is when can fall into sin.
“Perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4:18) To me this is saying fear gives us a chance to rely and trust on God’s love. Perfect love comes along and casts out fear because we are trusting in him, we are being courageous and faithful in God’s love. God is our father, right? So tell me this. Doesn’t a father want to comfort his trembling child, hold him close and tell him “its ok, I am here, you are safe. You are loved.” To God our fears are like being scared of the monster under the bed. God knows that we don’t need to be afraid, he knows that. But still, in my eyes, he desires to comfort us with his love. Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Everyone agrees Jesus was sinless, yeah? 2 Corinthians 5:21 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” But think about it, “My soul is distressed even to the point of death” (Matthew 26:38) and “Father if you are willing, take this cup from me…” (Luke 22:42); these are not statements that, in my eyes, can be separated from fear. So the emotion of fear itself, is not a sin. But then Jesus went to the cross, he took courage and stood firm in God.
Being anxious is not a sin, sin is allowing our actions and our lives to be controlled by anxiety instead of by our faith and trust in God. Live in God’s comfort and love, they alone will cast out fear.

 Remember: Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


  1. Well said Naomi! You are wise beyond your years. I lived with fear for many years. Building my trust in God's faithfulness helped me outgrow my fears, but my anxiety is a cronic medical condition just as asthma or diabetes is.


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