Back to my Future.

Ever since I was a little girl people asked me what my future would be.  Typical toddler, I probably wanted to be a princess. I remember at one stage I use to wish to grow up to be a ballerina. Then there was the phase where a vet was all I wanted to be. None of those 'futures' suit the me I am now.

You ask any kid, they want to be something big! Like a famous cook, musician, astronaut. As kids, we all dream big. Some people continue to aim for their dreams as they grow older, but for the most I would say our dreams shrink a little. Part time musician with a day job... Baking food for their family after hours,.. Flying a toy spaceship in the backyard... The dream is still there but we don't have as much faith in it.

For some people as they grow their dream changes, no longer a musician but a teacher. Sometimes we can aim higher as we grow up, not only a cook but a world renowned chief who owns a string of restaurants. So where's your dream?

I asked my mum what I wanted to be when I grew up. She told me I was never sold on one career, there were phases but it never lasted. The one thing that I always wanted to do was "help people". Two words, my dream. I didn't care what I was doing, as long as I had the chance to spread love and help those people around me.

I guess, my dream hasnt really changed. I want to "help people". Where this will take me, I am not sure yet. God has a plan, that much I know. So I'm keeping my options open to where my life will take me. But I can still aim for it! I can do little things in my life that will make someone else's life better. For now, I'm just gonna be living my dream.


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