Perfect Lines

Have you ever had one line of a movie just stick in your head for hours?  A line that hit home because you could relate? One line, so perfect, that you know you will remember it when you are 87 and forget even you child's own name?

"I've always needed you more than you need me."

Its strange how easily we can relate to characters portrayed in a movie or book. Even if its only for a few minutes when they are at their weakest, but we just understand what emotions are going through their head and heart. Movies tell stories, fictions wrapped in neat 2 hour packages. With a intro, climax and a resolve. But life isn't that simple. We can come across times when we feel like we are being played by someone else, what is happening around us cant be real. Times in life can feel like someone else is writing the script. But we are not fiction, we are fact. And every breathe we take is our own. Sure, we may relate to a character in a book or movie. We may understand the emotions running through their head as they deliver the perfect line. But our life is longer than 2 hours and worth more than any story could ever be. There are subplots and twist that we cannot comprehend on the way. To me that is exciting! I watched two movies today, both very different. But they had that same level of prediction. Life isnt like that. I dont know where I will be tomorrow afternoon, who I will be with even! I cant  see the solution neatly around the corner, but I can live. My lines may not always seem like they are from me, nor will they ever really be perfect. But they arent part of a fantasy. I think I prefer it that way.


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