Lurve ;)

I have a habit of typing up birthday letters and then writing them out.. This is mainly because I can't spell for peanuts... But it also means I have a few letters saved on my laptop. Recently I decided to open one and re-read the words I wrote just over a year ago. The card was for the guy who, back then, was my best friend. He knew me inside and out to the point he could read me even better than my own sister. Since then the two of us have drifted apart and now there's someone else I call my best friend... So reading these words I wrote that said "Gosh boy, You’re 16. You’ve grown up so much since I first met you! 10 years... Wow.  I can’t live without you now. You’re just to damn perfect for me to give up our friendship." not gonna lie, it was a little hard. I mean, a year ago this kid was like a brother and now we hardly see each other let alone catch up. 

But what got me the most was how easily and quickly people who mean heckles of a lot to you, can just drift out of your life. You can say to someone you 'love' them, but a year later that feeling may have changed... In fact, I dont believe love is a feeling. Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.― C.S. Lewis 
This the best view of love I have ever heard. It isn’t a fancy or a feeling, its something hopes and wishes for, even has faith in, someone else’s ultimate best. When you truly love someone, it is a choice you make day in and day out. Kinda like showering, it needs to happen in your life daily!

People may come in to your life for a season and leave in another. I can assure you there will be times you are  a lot closer to more people than you will be later in life. But that doesn't mean you cant love your friends! Its an action, its putting their ultimate best over yourself. Take the chances you have to make someone's life that little bit better, that little bit happier. Cos that, in my eyes, is when you have a true relationship with someone. 


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