Goodness , its October?!

I only just realised that today is the first of October. I know everyone says this.. But really, where has my year gone?? This means in 3 months I'll be moving to YWAM. Hoskajghfsacvdkjasjf, What? Where did my time go?

When I first applied I had over 6 months before the DTS I was going to be doing even started. Now it's barely 3 months away before I'll have packed up and be heading off! You guys, Im going to level with you... This is scary as anything, even that giant squid in the museum. What am I even doing?

On the other hand, words cant begin to say how excited I am to be going! I mean, yeah I have an amazing life here with some pretty damn awesome people in it... But still. 6 months to just live my life for God! How great will that be? I even get to go over seas to spread his love and grace.  One thing that's getting at me is what will come after YWAM? Will I come home or will I want to stay over in New Castle?

I remember the days where I would be sitting in my pjs as soon as it hit 6:30 in my room with Rachel. We would just be playing with out beanie kids, saying what they would be when they grew up.. Shadow bear was the mayor and Wriggle was king... Life didn't have to be scary because my mum and dad were always in the next room. They were my security. In growing up, we begin to look for that security in ourself... That is what's scary. I don't know if I can look out for myself like they did. Can't I just stay their little girl who sleeps with a teddy and thinks Nerd Ropes are the best things ever?


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