
Today we celebrated 60 years of Mr and Mrs Rigby.
I am their granddaughter.
I couldn't be more proud.

Sure, when asked what his favorite meal is, Nanna may have said chicken (it's Ox tongue) and He may have said their first date was boring. But they have modeled an amazing relationship since the start.

Naturally I asked the for some relationship advice. (These maybe abbreviated a tad). If they've made it sixty years, I feel like it's probably worth listening too.

Denly- "Marry the right woman."

Well, not sure how much this one applies to me personally. But hey, marry the right person. When asked how do you know, he answered "It's based on mutual agreement." I guess this means the right one will just be the right one when you both decide to make it work.

Wanda- "Put God at the center."

My grandparents start their day off with reading he bible together. For some of you, this may not mean anything. But to me, this shows a lot of character.

Denly- "Tell them you love them. Morning and night."

I like this one.

Wanda- "Complement them daily."

She also said, in her words, to be creative and sincere in what you say.  Make sure you do mean what you say.

Denly- "Never do or say anything for which you'll later have to apologise to those who you love."

Not sure how literally to take this. Cos I apologised for going overseas to those I love. I think he means this more in the way of don't inflict pain. Don't say something you will regret.

Wanda- "Never go to bed angry."

We've all heard this one before. But Nanna said she really means it. She has never really had a fight with Granddad, but she always made sure to forgive.

Denly- "Always be the first to apologise."

Nanna agrees with this one. If you can, always be ready to admit you were stupid and apologise.

Wanda- "It's not a fifty fifty thing. Give 100 percent."

This counts in loyalty and being truthful. When you are in a fifty fifty mindset, you focus too much on the fifty you should be receiving.

One other pieces of advice I received today is that "Every week, go on a date." No matter what, put a night aside each week to spend time together, even if it's just staying in. However, it's good to make the effort to go out once a month.

To end this off, I am about to quote one of my favorite books of all time.

Mawwiage. That bwessed awwangment. That dweam wivvin a dweam. And luv, trwe luv, will fowwow you fowevah and evah.
~William  Goldman (Princess Bride.)


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