Opportunities and Achievements.

Opportunities come every second. We miss some, we accomplish them at times and we also fail. But there are more ahead of us that we can look forward too. 

So often in life we can focus for too long on past achievements. Hey, I'm not saying that they don't deserve celebration! Everyone deserves to celebrate achievements, so please dont get me wrong. But when we loose sight of the chance around us everyday, then we have been focusing on achievements too long. We need to be available for chance in such a way that we dont miss opportunities but make the most of them. 

I say this from both a Christian perspective and not. God gives us opportunities everyday and we should constantly be asking him where we should be going and what we should be doing. I believe that we each have a predestined path, yeah we have free choice too. Try and get your head around that one, haha. Actually, I'll do a post later about that. But back of tangent. It is true that God may use someone else if we miss our first chance, he may even just use us at a later date. But I truly believe there are things in our life that are only for us. No one else could gain even the opportunity we have before us. Even with God aside, there are times in our life that we miss the opportunity, miss our chance. Why? Because we were still caught up on the past instead of asking for the future.


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